Welcome to IST’s Grade 3 Information Site


Welcome to the International School of Tanganyika’s Grade 3 Team Website. Here you will find what’s happening in Grade 3 classrooms, student work and much more. Please check back often and feel free to leave us a message with your ideas, links and good thoughts. Asante!





Mr. John and Ms. Rorey at the Assembly


During the last activities assembly two grade 3 teachers got to show of their football skills. Mr. John and Ms. Rorey were called up to be the goalies for the grade 3 student shoot out. It was great fun. Thanks kids!



Where we are in place and time


This is the Central Idea for our new unit:

Throughout history, people have made contributions which have influenced our present world.

This week the students have watched this video about a remarkable boy from Kenya. We used the video to pick out attributes of our Learner Profile as well as the Attitudes we hope to see from our students. We think he displays most of these qualities:

Learner Profile

Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk Taker, Balanced, Reflective


Appreciation, Commitment, Confidence, Cooperation, Creative, Curiosity, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect, Tolerance