Water Unit of Inquiry Parent Letter


Hello IST Grade 3 Parents,water conservation2

We are beginning a PYP Unit of Inquiry on water with a focus on science and conservation. It is an inquiry into states of matter, the water cycle, water usage and water protection and conservation.

Central Idea

  • The Earth has a limited amount of water, but it is essential to life.

Key Concepts

  • Causation: Why is the water cycle important to life on Earth? Why are the different states of matter important to the water cycle?
  • Function: How does the water cycle work?
  • Responsibility: What is our responsibility to protect and conserve water? Why do we have a global challenge to protect, conserve and keep our water supply clean?
  • Perspective:  Do all people have equal access to water?

We will be doing many science experiments and focusing on science skills during this unit. The specific science skills for focus and development are:

  • Observing- noting relevant details of the environment and/or experiments
  • Recording- describing and recording observations through notes, diagrams and statements
  • Interpreting- drawing conclusions from observations and records
  • Presenting- communicating what has been learned

As always, please send us an email or note sharing any actions or inquiry that occur outside of the school as a result of learning within the classroom. We love to hear about anything that happens as a result of learning occurring at school.

In addition, if you have a special area of expertise related to this unit and would like to come in and share your knowledge with the grade 3 students, please send and email to your child’s teacher. We would love to have you as a guest to the school.

Thanks so much for your continued support,

Grade 3 Teachers

Students Interview at the Grade 3 Business Fair


Thank you Grade 3 for a wonderful assembly today!

There were some excellent performances and games which the students shared during the presentation today.  One component of the assembly took the form of student interviews between reporters and vendors.  These videos are available below:

Grade 4 Assembly Reflections


Our class was very moved by the Grade 4 assembly today and so when we went back to our class and had a discussion about what it means for children to have rights. After our discussion I gave students a choice to write about anything they wanted, either from the assembly or anything else, they could write a poem, story, facts, letter. Below are 2 students acrostic poems they wrote in response to the assembly.

Child Labor is about to be stopped
It is not nice
Lack of happiness
Lack of peace
About to be stopped

By Teagan, 3N

Freedom for Children

Freedom for Children 2
Shout for freedom
About to stop
Your Life!

Both By Ethan, 3N