Grade 4 Assembly Reflections


Our class was very moved by the Grade 4 assembly today and so when we went back to our class and had a discussion about what it means for children to have rights. After our discussion I gave students a choice to write about anything they wanted, either from the assembly or anything else, they could write a poem, story, facts, letter. Below are 2 students acrostic poems they wrote in response to the assembly.

Child Labor is about to be stopped
It is not nice
Lack of happiness
Lack of peace
About to be stopped

By Teagan, 3N

Freedom for Children

Freedom for Children 2
Shout for freedom
About to stop
Your Life!

Both By Ethan, 3N

Keep Your Brain Sharp This Summer!


This summer, when you are looking for things to do, grab these and enjoy getting some learning done in a fun and creative way. I made three documents for you to use to practice some skills and keep your brain sharp. You can also find them on my classroom blog Miss Rorey’s Room. Print them out, color in each box you complete and bring it to me at the beginning of the next year so that I can celebrate in your success. Keep up the good work, even over the summer!


Click on the images above to download from Google Docs

Poetry from Grade 3MCA


Poetry has really taken off in class 3McA!

We have read and written cinquains and we have read lots of different form of poetry! We were inspired by the following poem by Pie Corbette, “If I Had Wings.”

After reading this poem we decided to write a class poem with everyone contributing a line. We hope you enjoy it!

If I Had Wings
by 3McA

If I had wings…
I would touch the top of the moon and fly over the planets. – Toula

If I had wings…
I would taste the freshness of tiny raindrops and swish my wings so water drops off. – Prem

If I had wings…
I would listen to God and listen to the angels telling me to be good at school. – Raul

If I had wings…
I would breathe the countryside air and follow along a river to the sea. – Nyan

If I had wings…
I would gaze at the Empire State building below me in New York City. – Naaba

If I had wings…
I would smell the fresh air blowing through me and I would smell the flowers of the kapok tree. – Talin

If I had wings…
I would taste the lovely sweetness of candy clouds and the goodness of the world. – Amar

If I had wings…
I would breathe the hard wind blowing when it’s stormy over the sea. – Shoaib

If I had wings…
I would gaze through space to see the wonders and watch for shooting stars and new planets. – Aidan

If I had wings…
I would touch the top of the kapok tree and see all the people below. – Maurice

If I had wings…
I would listen to the whales gliding in the wonderful ocean and listen to their marvelous singing as they glide through
the sea. – Krittika

If I had wings…
I would breathe in the beautiful flowers smell and breathe the cold wind. – Ania

If I had wings…
I would gaze at the football games on Anfield pitch and watch the first goal scored by Torres. – Marcel

If I had wings…
I would gaze at the summer sky and let my wings be free. – Sage

If I had wings…
I would taste the peach at the top of the highest peach tree and tell my friends what it tasted like. – Elly

If I had wings…
I would listen to eagles diving for food and understand the crows. – Kizito

If I had wings…
I would touch the tip of the Red Sea Pyramid and gaze at the Egyptians living in Peace. – Shuaib

If I had wings…
I would gaze at the houses of heaven on the streets of heaven. – Heritage

If I had wings…
I would breathe in the freezing air at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and shiver while more snow falls down. – Tamira

Only If I Had Wings.